Peter Hall-Jones registers paparoa

Peter Hall-Jones registers paparoa website; The Paparoa website becomes Jacinda Arderns main source of reasons to crack down on free speech in NZ. Hall-Jones, with his New Unionism movement, is a globalist into controlling labour on behalf of the global corporates. This came through the mail about him (unverified apart from what’s obviously on the… Continue reading Peter Hall-Jones registers paparoa

Peter Hall-Jones registers Toucan.Media

Just in time for the globalist elite lobbyists to begin the campaign for their global lockdowns, Peter Hall-Jones registers Toucan.Media. As the screen shot shows below, their major clients include Pfizer, World Health Organisation and NZ Government. Peter Hall-Jones of course, was a Soviet KGB fan. He assisted in organising socialist youth events in North… Continue reading Peter Hall-Jones registers Toucan.Media

Does Communism birth socialism fascism nazism?

Does Communism birth socialism, fascism, nazism in western society? What role does Marxism have? If the political left are those wanting total government control of society (communists) then the political right must surely be those wanting zero government control (anarchist). Here in NZ, a group of people representing the socialist/communists groups have labelled their opposition… Continue reading Does Communism birth socialism fascism nazism?

Interview with globalist: Peter Hall-Jones

Peter Hall-Jones is more widely known in NZ for his associations with unionist Andrew Little, his company that works with Pfizer, W.H.O. and NZ Govt, Social Media AI influences Ackama group, and his latest registered website. We’re a bit surprised that the push for globalism is being led by the trade unions. Source… Continue reading Interview with globalist: Peter Hall-Jones